I have - many times. Sometimes I probably shouldn't have and then I apologize. [DS2 was NOT LISTENING or staying in time out and had hurt 2 of his sisters then hurt me - badly [my fingers were swollen for several hours where he jammed them and still hurt a bit if I do the wrong thing and it was nearly a week ago] and I sort of snapped and yelled at him - scared DD5 who was right there worse than him frown . Apologized to both of them - but he did stay in time out after that...] But by the time it's all said and done, my kids know they need to apologize for whatever it is they did [from hitting their sister to disobeying or whatever]. I get more 'Mom, I'm sorry for not listening's than I'd like :p . [They really are good kids overall but we all have our moments...]

My kids are currently 2, 5, 6, 8. While I prefer not to yell, sometimes it's the only way to get their attention [or feels like it anyway].

As for what circumstances...

* Hurting another person - and not stopping
* Fighting and not stopping
* Not doing something Mom needs done NOW [like if little brother has an unexpected poopy diaper and Mom needs the wet wipes and you're too busy watching an episode/movie of something you've seen a dozen times [or more] or when Mom's trying to clean up throw up or something]
* Just not paying attention will sometimes get you a sharp 'Hey!'
* Etc.

We'll often sit and talk about what happened too. We talk about how it hurts my heart and how it hurts Jesus' heart or makes us sad when we don't listen or when we disobey. [I'm not going to get into a religious argument with anyone here btw.]

Dunno if that helps at all...