This post is purely for my venting purposes..

So I have a close relative who had worked 30 yrs (this March) w/ the same company and was pretty high up on the chain of command (2nd from the top). Over the years, there had been different people who held the #1 position but they always got along w/ this relative of mine and actually thought he did a wonderful job. So much so that they would give him raises, bonuses, and big corner offices with giant windows and nice furniture.

Then comes the newest #1, who's substantially younger than some of the other #1ers. He immediately starts firing people who had been there for 20/30 yrs, some even longer. And since my relative is the #2, he would get my relative to fire them - people this relative had worked with for almost 30 yrs. Well, what choice did he have - you have to do your job.

Anyway, this #1 seemed like a nice enough fellow but still he was firing 'old timers' right and left. And after 3 years of working w/ this relative of mine, he finally kicked my relative to the curb on Monday. Okay, not to the curb.. they're letting him stay through the month. How kind.

What really irks me is that, yes they did give this relative some poor reviews over the past 3 years (mostly just so they can't be sued for this firing) but every time he got the reviews, he would change whatever it was they weren't happy with and yet somehow, the next year there were all new things to complain about.

My relative is 61 years old and was four years from retirement and his pension. Now all that is down the tube. Can you imagine working for 30 yrs for the same company and being loyal and them just SCREWING you over like that?!

I have a theory that this new boss was told to come in and do the 'out w/ the old, in with the new' routine. But how does that make sense? I mean, wouldn't someone who's been there for 30 years, know more about the industry than some punk who has 2 years experience? It reminds me of that ep in the 1st Season where Lex brings in that punk to take Perry's job (or something like that).

This company is one of the major TV networks and yes, some of them are not doing so well right now so it would make sense to have some layoffs..
But this was a firing, not a layoff. And this firing is not going to help the network do any better, it's just a local station for goodness sake - they don't produce the shows!!

I just really wanna hurt someone... this is NOT right! My relative will probably have to sell their house, one of their vehicles... things that they've worked for for their entire lives.

I'm just incredibly angry about all this. Your prayers would be much appreciated for my relative.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw