I'm not even really a lurker around here anymore, but I'll poke my head out of the woodwork to say that I have a Kindle1 and adore it. I read books on it, but I've also been reading fanfic on it from day one. I used to print reams and reams of fanfic (in ridiculously small fonts to save paper). Now I couldn't even tell you the last time I printed any sort of fiction at all. (Before the Kindle I had an eBookwise, which was also really good for saving paper and carrying lots of text around with me everywhere I went, but the Kindle's screen is so much nicer.)

You can email documents to Amazon, as Pam suggested, for 15 cents. Or, if you're cheap like me wink or if you're concerned about privacy, you can download a free program called Mobipocket Reader 6.0 and convert files yourself. I have only used the email conversion system a handful of times, usually when I'm in a big hurry. 99% of the time I just download the story I want, import it into Mobi, and then sync it to my Kindle via USB. Easy, private, and free.

Two caveats: This only works with Mobi Reader 6.0; I'm told 6.2 doesn't support Kindle. And although I think it works with Kindle2, I haven't tested it myself or done a lot of research on the subject, since I don't have one.

It's also worth noting that you can backup your books via USB, including books you have purchased from Amazon.

There's a lot of information on Kindle and other ebook devices at MobileRead . I'd recommend their forums to anyone who's thinking of buying one; there's a lot of really helpful info there.