That Buy America clause still remains worrisome to Canadians. I'll add, too, that it contradicts Obama's rhetoric, when speaking to those outside the U.S. on the topic of global trade. As President he has the power to modify that clause, and as well, he certainly has extraordinary political skills and charismatic influence.

This afternoon, your President visits Canada where he will meet with our PM. Obama is very popular here, and many of our leading journalists are now writing columns or uttering comments that would make a twittering 12 year old appear insightful.

If his visit recieves any American news coverage I'm betting it will *not* mention our trade concerns but *will* report on Obama's popularity here, and oh, yes - we had a bit of snow last night so I suspect they'll report that Obama braved a blizzard to touch base with his Canadian fans.

c. (who has lost hope, you know)