Nan, my experience was similar to yours, except I was a few years younger and my dad was in SAC (Strategic Air Command), which was at that time responsible for putting the nuclear-capable B-52s in the air and pointing them at targets in the Soviet Union. He was pretty tense for a few weeks, even after the missiles were reloaded onto ships and headed back to the USSR. There's no way to certain, of course, but I doubt that Richard Nixon would have been "rolled" by Khrushchev, although there's also no way to know if Nixon's choices would have led to an easing of tensions or full-scale nuclear war. McCain is more experienced at dealing with other countries, but Biden balances the Democratic ticket a bit. We'll all just have to vote, see who wins, and see how he deals with the problems which are sure to come.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing