The Obama and McCain campaigns just came out of a national security briefing last week. I am left to wonder what might be brewing that may be in Biden's mind. A neophyte President is bound to be a target for testing by enemies -- and that's what disturbs me.

John Kennedy royally botched his meeting with Nikita Khrushchev. Khrushchev rolled him, and even Kennedy admitted it. The Soviets were emboldened and it led to the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis. (By the way, we were a lot closer to nuclear war at that point than people knew. I was 14, and my family was stationed in the Panama Canal Zone at the time. My father was a medical officer in the Navy, and he was given briefings and a lot of instruction on how to deal with radiation-induced illness during that period. He was pretty worried, although he wasn't allowed to talk much about it. He couldn't tell us much, but we all knew that the situation was dire.)

In any case, an inexperienced President is dangerous, not only to the country but to the world. I don't wish to start a fight, but I'd feel a lot safer if Obama were a little older and had a little more experience in foreign policy. He really worries me.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.