From the outside looking in, I have to say, that my impression has always been that this is par for the course in the US. You guys are only noticing now? laugh

So, why only highlight when Palin is the victim of what seems to be woefully lax standards in US political interviewing? (I despair when I see what passes for serious political interviewing in the US media).

Why no thread when it's Obama being edited or misrepresented? Why no thread when the media fails to pick up on the hypocrisy involved in statements made by Karl Rove, John McCain, members of his campaign team and Palin herself, when they say something now which is the opposite of what they were saying when it came to slighting the Democrats?

Rove, who belittled a potential VP on Obama's list because he came from a state that was about five times larger than the one Palin comes from, but which Rove deemed small enough to be a non-entity. Palin rubbishing women who whine when questioned by the media that they are the victims of sexism and shouldn't be held up to scrutiny, when she was asked about Clinton, but, of course, it's now a different story entirely when she's on the receiving end.

And on and on and on.

I deplore the standards of your political media. Would I love to see something more serious? Deeper? That deals with the real issues and not trivia? That is honest and informed? And without partisan bias? Absolutely. But since it isn't, I find the outrage when it hits your preferred candidate (and I'm sure there are Democrats out there just as keen to howl when Obama is misrepresented while ignoring the misrepresentation of Palin) when you seemingly have no quarrel with your opponent being misrepresented somewhat hypocritical.

Either complain you have a biased press and long for it to change across the board. Or accept that if you put up with a biased press whose meat and potatoes of daily reporting is to misrepresent and edit to suit their own agenda, then you have to accept it's going to happen to your candidate as well as the ones you don't support.

I've thought for years that the MSM was biased in a liberal slant, but this was still kinda shocking.
And you've never been shocked at the breathtakingly outrageous anti-Democrat bias shown nightly on Fox News, I take it? :rolleyes:

What's sauce for the goose, after all... huh

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers