I've had to turn off the talking heads. Too many blatantly bias and idiotic comments. I'm trying to de-stress my life.

Yesterday, I watched (briefly) the Mike and Juliet show (Fox) and was stupefied at the antics they were stooping to in a clear effort to throw mud at Palin.

They looked at her ABC interview. And I guess since they couldn't really criticize her performance in traditional ways, they turned down the sound and "read" her body language.


Yes. it was amazing... the way they could tell what she "actually" was thinking by the way she leaned forward (angry) or the way her eye seem to twitch if you played it slow motion...


After 5 minutes I was screaming at the T.V.


Hitting the OFF button brought blessed peace.

Yes, it might be tough (because they are EVERYWHERE), but I'm sure l can glean the facts without listening to these idiots.

Thanks so much for the heads up.... and the link.
