Originally posted by Capes:
I haven't read these posts yet, because I haven't had time to go see the movie. I loved the X-Files when it was running, and watched the first movie. However, none of my friends around here seem to know jack about it.

So, here's the question, would someone who knows nothing about X-Files be lost in this movie? And, if my sister-in-law is afraid of aliens (but not crime or murders go figure), would she be afraid while watching this movie?
This can work as a stand-alone mystery, albeit not a very great one. There are certainly some nuances regarding Mulder + Scully (and their current situation) that would be completely over the head of a non-viewer of the series but rest assured, there is no real SF/extra-terrestial element to this movie at all, though some scenes are pretty gruesome in a serial-killer kind of sense. Does that make sense?? It's not near as much of a roller coaster ride as the first movie was and there is no Mythology in it either but you might want to let your sis know the basics behind the series if she wants to get a better handle on why we might be interested in seeing these two FBI agents six years after the tv series ended,perhaps??

Femme fatale with a hopelessly romantic heart!