I went and saw it tonight. I had read some really horrible reviews of it, so I went into the movie with no expectations whatsoever. I think that helped me greatly, versus many fans who went to see it with high expectations. The budget for the movie was low, so there really aren't any special effects or major action sequences. I can live with that. It's really more like a two-hour monster-of-the-week episode, which worked fine with me. But those who were expecting to see buildings being blown up or UFO's rising out of the ground like in the first movie - I can understand why they were sorely disappointed.

The only problem that I really had with the movie was that the storyline just didn't seem very paranormal to me. It wasn't "spooky" enough. Creepy? Absolutely. Paranormal and spooky? I couldn't buy into that. As a stand-alone movie, I think it was fine. As an X-files movie that should have directly dealt with something really paranormal, I think it failed to deliver there. I also think they crammed every possible reminder about the series into it that they could have (such as, Mulder is eating sunflower seeds within the first thirty seconds you see him for the first time), just to kind of jog fans' memories - some of which I could have done without.

The movie is definitely shipper-friendly, although not overtly so (but much more so than you ever would have seen in the series). I was always a closet shipper, so a part of me enjoyed that aspect very much. And there was someone from the series in the movie that I didn't think would be, which made me excited when I first saw them on the screen.

Overall, it wasn't the best effort I think they could have mustered, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be, based on the reviews I had read.