Ah 30. Thirty was OK I guess. I was fairly happy to hit the big 30. 40 sucked for me. I had no house, no steady job and after trying in vitro no kids. We were broke and going through our own identity crisis (My husband and I) But things picked up at 42 when I finally had a home. At 48 I became a Mom and adopted a little boy from Russia. I had no idea at 30 how my life would change in the next 20 years. I am 50 now and I still have yet to find the perfect job. I understand that marriage isn't perfect but love keeps it strong. I have a perfect (in my opinion)<g> little doll of 3 years old(soon to be 4) that I am enjoying sooooo much. I have aches and pains and debts still but I am content. My son brings me joy I can't begin to explain. My husband of 22 years is my life partner and friend. I love my home, the jobs I have are ok and I derive both joy and aggravation from them, like any other jobs. So you still have your whole life ahead of you to ponder and enjoy. No one knows what surprises will come their way. Celebrate the day with the people you love. You never know when one of them won't be around to celebrate your next birthday. Embrace life, it's ups and downs and stay childlike in your enthusiasm toward it! Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"