I didn't hit thirty as much as I just whizzed past it. Thirty-five hit me hard, though, because I started thinking about all the things I hadn't done yet that I thought I should have accomplished by then, and the thought that my life was half-over stunned me. Of course, that was <*cough-hack-cough*> years ago, and I've managed to accomplish most of the things on my "haven't done yet" list.

The thing that I think is more important than doing all those things, though, is that I've learned to roll with the punches and get up again, even if the bell has rung and the ref has called a TKO. I just tell myself that I'll get it right the next time. And, surprisingly, I have at times done just that.

So don't get all frazzled by a number. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and follow your nose.

Terry (who knows that the above advice is simplistic, but sometimes simple is better than complex)

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing