Having read the article Ann, you've made your assupmtions purely based on what the media has written and that is wrong.

The reports only indicate that foul play has been involved and nothing is concrete as the results of the autopsy still appear to be in it's priliminary stages with toxicology results to come.

I'm in complete agreement with Jenn and Anna's posts in how the media plays part and can often sensationalise everything. I won't go into how many incidences where the media has played part in the ruling of the court system and also in formulating the opinion of the public. The Lindy Chamberlain case over 20 years ago wherein she was accused of killing her baby in the Australian Outback is one that springs to mind

Azaria Chamberlain Disappearance

In the end the conviction was overturned, but the point I'm trying to make is that the media latched on to a case and helped formulate the opinion of the public based on circumstancial evidence.

And, as always, I think your logic is flawed, Ann, and does a disservice to your genuine concern for the abused. Your logic for this theory is entirely dependant on you ignoring any story with male victims which doesn't fit your preferred theory.
Labbie's right your theory is based on only two known cases hardly enough to indicate that daughters are often the ones who parents murder. While yes in some countries it is known that daughters are not preferred this does not mean that they are the only ones who suffer abuse or are murdered because over the last few years the few high profile child murder cases have involved boys and not girls.

Because it seems to me that we are in a state of denial about the excess murders of girls.
By this statement at least in my mind you seem to be implying that murder is accpetable because you are telling us that there is an excess number of murdered girls in the world. Murder is wrong regardless of whether the victim is male or female.

Tragic things happen everyday. It's an unfortunate part of life. But "raising a racket" by making broad and unsubstantiated claims about who kills who and why doesn't help matters.
I wholeheartedly agree with Anna on this one! While I respect your's and everyone else's opinions based on what you have said I'm not inclined to agree with your statement that the murder of girls is more prevalent than the murder of boys.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller