Really nice food is something to feel good about!

Today I went to a very nice restaurant with an atrium courtyard, shaded under trees. I ordered hake with the season's new potatoes and freshly picked local tomatoes, yellow and red. There was a sauce with sun-dried tomatoes and wild onions, delicately flavored with vanilla! I've got to tell you, the fish was good, the potatoes were very nice, the fresh tomatoes were lovely and the sauce was just amazing! Superb! Fantastic!!! drool

And for dessert, I had some pannacotta, flavored with a dash of licorice and served with fresh raspberries and a raspberry sauce! It was fantastic!

And the weekend before last, I went to Alnarp, a sort of botanical garden some eight miles from where I live. I used my bicycle to get there, and it was lovely enough to cycle through the lush landscape of early summer. At Alnarp, I went on a guided tour, marvelled at the magnificent trees from all over the world, looked at a beautiful manor house from 1862, and sat in the park, under some splendid oaks, and watched and listened to a performance of the opera Orpheus from the seventeenth century, played on authentic seventeenth-century instruments. It was wonderful!


Handkerchief tree from China, in bloom at Alnarp.

And here you can see a web-TV recording of parts of the preparation for the opera performance in the park.

Anyway, it was lovely! smile smile smile smile smile
