I was showing this movie for class and my colleague was an absolute sweethear (1)borrowing the movie for me (2)showing me how to get the technology to show it. I don't show movies much in my classes so I came to it not knowing the hoops I had to jump.

On top of that, I royally screwed him over, not once but twice. First by not rewinding the movie to the appropriate scene (he teaches after me) and secondly again not rewinding AND forgetting to give it back (someone approached me after class and I forgot, he had to track me down to my office).

You would think he'd bitch me out or glare at the very least.

He didn't make me feel bad at all and even offered to help me with some grading afterwards. So I took him out for tea, just to repay a fraction of his kindness. smile


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan