Last year(May) my hubby was in a horrible car wreck. Our van was totalled. Since the accident was caused by the other driver, his mom's insurance company covered all the accident bills that got us another vehicle but the matter of my hubby's injuries was up in the air for a long time, though we decided against a lawsuit(we distrust the legal system and lawyers in general), they still offered to cover for pain and suffering.
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Just this last January we decided that living in MN was getting to be too expensive(I had actually been hoping to move for a long time but the hubby just now agreed) Still, we knew the move would kick our butts financially, but were willing to try and work it out. In the meantime I had been in contact with my local Christian radio station, asking them to pray for our situation.

The day after Jeff(the husband) decided we should move, he got a call from the insurance company with an injury settlement total. The amount of money he received is enabling us to move to back to Arizona and he got a job offer there just last week. He starts on Monday. I will be staying in MN with the kids until school's out and he's flying back up to drive us back to AZ.

It's all working out so smoothly, we've realized that it's not just coincidence going on here. That being the case, when our radio station had a fundraising drive, not only did I get the opportunity to help answer the phone for the two days, taking donations and prayer requests for the fundraiser, but Jeff and I decided to tithe from the settlement he received. We both felt like we owed God something for making everything work out so nicely and it felt good doing all that.

We still have two months to go before all of us will be together in Arizona, but like I said, things have been going so smoothly, and knowing I'm leaving my job has just relieved so much tension from my brain goofy I just feel so totally happy about it all, it's kind of scary.


Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!