Thanks so much to everyone who gave feedback. I may need to check some books out at the library, since I needed at least half a dozen more stories that were well-known enough that anyone would recognize them.

My brother loves the Frog Prince, but I've never actually read it. I'm also not familiar with The Goose Girl. The Lion King is probably too long for my purposes.

My own short list:
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Lion and the Mouse
The Ugly Duckling
The Three Little Pigs
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Snow White--which I can't use
Little Red Riding Hood--which I can't use
The Little Mermaid--it may be too dark for my purposes. We'll see.
Sleeping Beauty
Beauty and the Beast
Chicken Little

If I need to, I can stick to the above list, but I was hoping for a couple more to round it out. Are there any on the above list you don't recognize? Are there any you think everybody will recognize which I forgot? I need stories that would be several pages long when typed up, but wouldn't take an hour to tell--a bedtime story length.

Thanks again,
