Hmmm... I'd have to say my favorite fairy tale of all time is The Last Unicorn, originally a book by Peter S. Beagle, but the movie is what I love!

It's about this Unicorn who discovers she's the last Unicorn left in the world. So she travels to King Haggard's lair (where she heard the unicorns had gone) along the way picking up a clumsy magician. When they get to the King's Lair, the red bull (which is what gathered all the other unicorns) starts chasing her down. So the magician turns her into a human to save her. When they go to the King's Lair, he is suspicious of her and so he keeps an eye on her. Anyway, at some point they find out that the red bull has pushed all the unicorns into the ocean because they are the only thing that makes the king happy. He keeps them there to look at them. The unicorn/human falls in love with a prince and starts to forget she was ever a unicorn. But she ends up turning back and saving all of the other unicorns. But now she is different then the other unicorns because she has regret and she knows what love is, even though she can no longer love the prince; she remembers... *sniff*. I cry everytime I see that movie. It has some great dialogue too.

For example, when the king discovers that Lady Amalthia (the unicorn) is really a unicorn he says:

I know you! I almost knew you as soon
as I saw you coming up the road; since then, there is no movement of yours that has not betrayed you! A pace, a glance, a turn of the head, the flesh of your throat as you breathe, even your way of standing perfectly still, they were all my spies!
ooooohhh goosebumps!

My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw