I, like many others, pity Spears. But that doesn't blind me to the fact that she has courted paparazzi attention before. That's the sort of bad decision that can follow someone, especially in the claws-out entertainment business. Maybe its that she was young or badly advised or didn't have a strong enough support group, but that doesn't exonerate her for her bad decisions. No, that doesn't mean we should sit back with popcorn and watch the freakshow, but to say "Aww poor Britney" as if none of this is her responsibility is looking at it through rose-tinted glasses.

Have any of you listened to her latest album? I read a review on it recently that sent chills down my spine:

Those words may or may not reflect Britney's true feelings — she didn't write them — but what's notable is that Blackout is the first time in her career that she's voiced any real thoughts about her life. The old provocation game is still afoot, but Britney's stubbornly holding on to her freakness — it's the only form of rebellion she's got left... It's telling that Blackout's two best tracks — the tabloid-bashing banger "Piece of Me" and the paparazzi-tease "Freakshow" — suggest that she believes playing the part of the cage-dancing bear is the best way to mess with the media. "Wanna see crazy?" she sings on "Freakshow." "We can show 'em!"
Seriously, if she doesn't want this image and what comes with it, then care should be taken not to market it, starting with those around Spears, if she isn't fit enough to watch over her own image. Otherwise, as long as there's a buying public...you know how it goes.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan