While I am often times disgusted by some of the things she does, in recent weeks I have come to feel a great sense of sadness for her.

She has a 1 and 2 year old. There is a good possibility that she suffered from postpartum depression and never sought help for this. It doesn’t seem as if her family is very supportive either. After all her cousin was her assistant for a while and helped to further the behavior.

To top it all off she is going through a divorce and every detail of her life is being splashed across the screen. Think about it… every move she makes is watched by a handful of people hiding in bushes and jumping out in front of her car to flash a photo at her. Just recently the police here had to arrest some of the paparazzi for reckless driving because they almost ran several people off the road trying to get to Britney.

Think about that for a second… what if someone followed you around all day and picked apart everything you do? What if someone photo’s you scratching your butt or pulling you underwear out (come on… admit it you all have done. That subtle turn to see if anyone is looking) and splashed it across the pages of a newspaper. Add that to depression and lack of family support and what do you get.

I don’t know how well I would handle it either.

It is also coming out more and more that there may be multiple personality issues with her. Either way she is spiraling downward and needs some psychiatric help. It seems from recent reports her family is in LA and trying to help her. Let’s hope it is help and not hindering her.

Either way it is time for people to back off of her and give her some time. She is sick and it is time that people stopped trying to be high and mighty and pretend that they would handle the situation so much better. Maybe you would… but can you say you would if you were in her shoes and her experiences? Her lack of family support? Money doesn’t fix everything despite what some people think. I just hope that some caring people step forward to help her out before it is to late.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!