Alcyone wrote:

It's a really tough call; I feel really ignorant about the specifics of a lot of the positions the candidates take, mostly because the political game is based on throwing clarity out the window.
Yes, I'm finding this especially this time out. I've seen very little in the media that got into the issues. The evening news has seemed to cover little more than personality, style, and the potential for clashes between candidates (if it bleeds it leads smile ). Even the so called news network, CNN has been like that. To be fair, our Canadian media has not be much better.

The newspapers have offered a bit more information, inside the paper of course ( btw, is there an 'inside' if it's an online edition?), but not much analysis beyond trying to explain what yet another of their interminable polls means. I've really had to dig.

Found out more than I ever wanted to know about cacusing though. laugh Gotta say there's potential there for an L & C fic.

Thanks for that link, Lisa. I'll check it out.

Hopefully, now, as the campaign continues, the media will start to ask the hard questions and also the all important follow-up questions. But I did notice, yesterday, that there was more focus on the candidates' economic policies.

btw, what's an 'election judge'?


edit: EditorJax posted just before I did so i didn't see her post. So disclaimer - haven't seen her paper but I'm sure its coverage is outstanding. smile