“He’s not the only villain here,” said Hank darkly. “If I’d had my way last year, we would have had Herb locked up. Or at least under house arrest. That way, when we needed him, like now, we’d have him.”
Huh, I never really thought about Wells that way before. But it's true. Even people with the best intentions often result in stirring up things.

“You won’t find Jonathan or Martha Kent impersonators,” Silas blurted immediately. “They’re true heroes, but during his lifetime Clark Kent felt strongly their privacy should be respected, even long after he and they were gone.”
Ah, no wonder. Good because I had all these crazy, horrible 'what-ifs' shooting around my head.

And oh Lord, the HEA versus the Departure Room argument. I was sucked right in. I felt like I was standing next to them in the room. Lois, why in the world do you want to know how you died?! Quite frankly, I don't side with either of them. They really shouldn't see either room if they want to argue that there's some things they shouldn't know. But heck, I'm first on the list of natural curiosity, so I would have charged right into the HEA room...but death?

Poor Silas LOL! I did wonder, though, if he would have recognized the way Lois and Clark fight...they're so...intense, I would assume it's a family trait passed on, or nonetheless something talked about over the years...

In fact,” Silas said, just a touch too casually, “I was thinking of giving Nate a call. Seeing if he’d like to come... meet... you both.”
Oh really? What's that about? Kicking them out? Or does Silas see something more to it? Or maybe I'm just in overdrive, and I'm reading too much into it. goofy

Interesting, interesting. I wonder what's going to happen with Tempus. You better believe I'll be tuning in Tuesday.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy