You're kind of missing the point, shimuamua.
No, I don't think I'm missing *your* point. Your opinion is that the adults who picked on the girl should be held responsible. My point/opinion is that with all the bad rap My Space has gotten, a 13 yr old's parents still let their mentally unstable daughter participate in chats with strangers/"friends" online. It is a sad tradgedy that a 13 year old girl decided that someone had written something so mean that her life wasn't worth living anymore.

Please don't ever question whether I *get* things. I've lived 37 years on this planet, have had "life experience" and I am raising two kids. I get things all too well, in that people are being raised up looking for the easy way out, or the easy way to blame outside events on their own mental attitudes and they label their thinking with a name and make it somebody else's problem.

It wasn't because this kid was an impressionable girl that her life ended so badly, for whatever percentage the bullies were culpable, this young lady was in a situation that she hadn't been mentally trained up or prepared for and she made a horrendous decision. Should her parents have been watching her round the clock surveillance? I suppose if my kid had tried to commit suicide once, I suppose I wouldn't be leaving her side for a minute, at least until she could legally get away from me on her own.

If I knew that it was my on line connection that was giving her problems, there goes the connection. I've gone a whole year without being online, I promise anyone else can do it as well. And don't bring up to me that people need it, they don't, you can do all your stuff at the library or at work. Heck, the parents could have a laptop they kept with them and only hooked up when they were home. I've got a ton of practical solutions before any "it just won't work" retorts are presented.

The fact is the higher percentage of "mental disability" in any country is simply matter of high population, and the minute one of these folks starts a tantrum it seems like the whole population has to slow down to that level. Is it a wonder if things are getting worse when this is what kids are being raised up to believe?

And I only bring up this point because it's been mentioned, and that is if there had been a couple hundred other students during the Virginia Tech shootings with the legal and resposponsible ability/skill to carry a firearm around, the "mentally disabled/over-sensitive" student in question would not have gotten any farther than his own demise.

And before any assumptions are made,I've experienced 37 years of life and my experiences have led me to develop my own thick skin and a logical/practical pattern of thought. I'm not an uneducated rube who hasn't thought things out (and I'm certainly not going to commit seppeku if anyone thinks that way)

Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!