I don't know. I mean I get that the older folks who posted mean stuff, bullying stuff were jerks, and maybe it's because I happen to have a level headed mature teen that I don't get why someone taking their own life is someone else's fault.

Most normal people are born with an inherent(sp?) sense of right and wrong. Most people have the mental fortitude or should have been brought up with the ability to shrug off words or the logical sense to avoid places where you may get hurt. Seems lately this generation of victimhood is now reaping what it has sown, that has wound up creating mental instability when faced with perceived verbal/written abuse, ie: people who are too dadgum sensitive.

While I feel bad for the girl herself, I gotta wonder why her parents were letting her go online without their supervision. If she was already having issues, why weren't they doing a better job of watching over her? Again, the folks picking on her were big mean jerks, but do you think my typing that is gonna make them kill themselves?

Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!