Hee hee. Awwwww, gee thanks everyone! I'm so glad there are those out there who feel my pain. goofy

Thanks for that additional info Hasini. I hope when the DVD comes out that they will put some in depth discussion on it about the ending... and will include that missing scene between Tia Dalma and Davy Jones about her not being there when he came back 10 years later. That was idiotic of the editors to cut that scene. What an important scene to rip from the movie. I would have felt so much better about the whole thing if they had left that in there.


Oh, and Kristen...

(btw, Orlando Bloom made a pretty hot lookin pirate at the end, didn't he??? [Embarrassed] )
Heck yeah! He looked adorably yummy. Mmmm! And that ending scene where he comes to Elisabeth to get his other boot... <melts> The way he caresses her leg and thigh... holy heck that was hot! But of course not knowing the additional scene/ending just served to break my heart further. I wish someone could find a way to repost that ending scene somewhere (stupid Disney and stupid me for not staying through the credits - Ugh)

Thanks guys!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.