Well, I just got back from watching the 3rd installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. I have to say it left me feeling a little empty inside.

The whole movie I just felt strangely disconnected. It didn't have the "pull" that the first two movies had. And in my opinion it certainly didn't have the humor that the first two had.

I thought the 2 hour and 48 minute movie could have done without several of the scenes - some of them just seemed like pointless drivel and time filler to me.

Okay, now if you've read this far, I'm going to assume that you don't mind reading spoilers or that you've already seen it. But just in case...



Was anyone as disappointed with the Elisabeth/Will ending as I was? She gets to see him... make love to him... once every ten freakin years?!? Come on! Me of all people likes a little waffy angst... as much as the next person... but I like a happy ending!!! Where was my happy ending? <sniffle>

I would probably feel a little better about the whole situation if I knew for a certainty that there was going to be a fourth movie... but there are no guarantees, are there? I haven't heard that a 4th one is in the works. If there's not, there definitely needs to be. The producers need to come back and fix the mess they've made out of things. Ugh!

Anyway, is there anyone out there who disagrees with me? Who loved the movie and thought it was the best of the three? Who thought the ending was spectacular? If there is, please, come share your views with me... because I feel like I'm missing something here... I feel like too much of it didn't make sense and was left unanswered - and then killing poor Will off before his honeymoon and then giving him ONE DAY before he disappears into the netherworld for 10 years... that just sucks! Sorry. It holds no romance for me. <sigh>

Anyway... this topic may not get any comments at all. Maybe no one even cares... But I'm curious if anyone else was left feeling as empty as I was after the movie. I was expecting happily ever after and got eternally tortured instead.

-- DJ

P.S. - In my state of shocked disbelief, I failed to stay for the end of the credits to see if there was a clip at the end (which I realized was a mistake later... maybe there would have been a clue...) Did anyone stay for that ending clip? Or was there even one?


Okay. I was a total nerd and hunted down the ending scene. Apparently someone had it posted on youtube but Disney made them take it off <ugh> but there were plenty of written reviews about what happened.

This explanation makes me feel a little better, but it doesn't change the fact that I didn't like the 3rd movie nearly as much as the first two. <sigh>

Here's the review of the after credits scene in case anyone reads this thread and wants to know.

After the credits, in a scene captioned "Ten Years Later," a young boy approximately ten years of age is seen singing "A Pirates Life for Me" as Elizabeth walks behind him. It is implied that this is the child of Will and Elizabeth. The sun sets followed by a green flash and Will, on the mast of The Dutchman, sails towards the shore. According to the film's writers, the curse of The Dutchman is broken if, after the ten years, the captain's lover remains faithful. The final post-credit scene suggests that Will can now return to land, as Elizabeth has remained faithful. The green flash, which symbolises a soul returning from the dead, supports this theory. Apparently, a scene of dialogue between Tia Dalma/Calypso and Davy Jones, which explained this, was cut from the film, leading to confusion about the ending.

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.