Hey y'all.

Roo, I can understand him being driven crazy by boredom at his cube farm. He probably should make a change, maybe a big change. But medical school? That's huge. Isn't there something else he could do, that would start paying off a lot sooner?
I nearly had a panic attack when he told me, but it's been bewing for about four years. he's looking at other things, but they would all require another University degree and a masters, etc. He wants a total change. Hmmm, maybe it's that mid-life issue and it just came a bit early! I wonder if I'd rather his wanting a motorcycle instead.

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I'd fall over backwards for the University degree he has. He could be a Chartered Accountant (CA) or a CMA so easily, but he can't stand the corporate world. He could also get an HR designation really soon too. He’s an underwriter and gets to work with doctors and read medical info and he enjoys it. He’s going to talk to the docs.

My degree is the useless one. I might as well have majored in basket weaving.

I want a kid, but I didn't graduate from University until I was 23 or 24 and I tried masters stuff and college programs afterwards. This Sep. will be my five yr anniversary. I hoped to have a kid this year however, I do keep making excuses despite the 100% support from hubbie. I think my Mum would have had mixed feelings if I had one before I was 26. Like I'd care about her reaction. Don't all kids want to get their parents all riled up? laugh I want a family, but I am having trouble and still wonder if it is worth it. It’s been a non-stop thought since I met my hubbie when I was 21. I was worried I’d have one while in Uni and now that I want one I cant’! I wish I just threw caution to the wind then! Me a rebel - nah I don’t think so. Too lazy. Mother-in-law has been putting down strong hints lately LOL!!!! My Mum didn't have me until she was three months off from turning 30 (gee my age! HA! That feels SO weird) and my brother at 36 (in 1984). She got married when she was 18 or 19 and divorced when my brother was six months old.

We spoke to my Mum and she was very supportive (very odd!), but she for some reason really values University. She suffers from her own personal regret and now looking back at her experience thinks she should have taken the chance and I guess doesn't want us to regret later in life. She said she’d help us and we luckily have profit sharing building up that we could always use. I forgot about that b/c I made myself on purpose. No crazy shopping trips…no..noon. Ooooh clothes! devil

We are not telling his parents. :p They will freak out in a unsupportive way. I think that despite having nothing but pleasant, wonderful interactions with them.

Y'know, I may be waaaaay off, but I wonder... you said he spent 7 years in college already, for not much in particular. Maybe school seems like a "safe" choice for him, because it's familiar (as opposed to his job, which is dead boring) so he has the urge to retreat back to where he was comfortable? Where he has limited responsibilities and doesn't really have to be a working-for-a-living grown-up? Very understandable, but if that's so, it would most likely be a disaster for both of you.
Actually that was my problem LOL blush laugh in regards to finding school safe. He though has admited that he misses Universtiy, but he wasn't prepared to go back b/c he knows he was lazy. He's 'grown up' now. Old man. He let me not work once for four months and go part time for years. I know he doesn't 'deserve' the favour returned, but I wish I could give him a chance to do something he wanted for once.

Sigh -- Life is short and complicated. I wonder where I’ll be in five years.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.