Well, you're making me feel better about not having a degree at all goofy

Roo, I can understand him being driven crazy by boredom at his cube farm. He probably should make a change, maybe a big change. But medical school? That's huge. shock Isn't there something else he could do, that would start paying off a lot sooner?

And I think you ought to seriously consider whether or not you want to have kids. Face it, being 30 is *old* for a woman to get pregnant. Been there, done that, it ain't impossible -- but your chances are going down every year. Personally, I wouldn't want to have a baby while he's in school (especially during residency, which I hear sucks up about 25 hours a day of a person's time) - he wouldn't be there to help you and he'd miss a lot. But if you wait til he's done, well, that might be too late.

I'm not saying you *have* to have kids, obviously. But I'm told there are lots of women in the world today who are childless not because they deliberatly chose that, but because they held it off until it was too late, not realizing what they were doing. So just be aware that's a very real possibility.

Y'know, I may be waaaaay off, but I wonder... you said he spent 7 years in college already, for not much in particular. Maybe school seems like a "safe" choice for him, because it's familiar (as opposed to his job, which is dead boring) so he has the urge to retreat back to where he was comfortable? Where he has limited responsibilities and doesn't really have to be a working-for-a-living grown-up? Very understandable, but if that's so, it would most likely be a disaster for both of you.

It's a really huge decision for the two of you, and you need to make it together. I hope you spend tons of time talking about it, both of you being honest about your fears and the trade-offs you may be making. They might not be very comfortable conversations, but they're going to happen sooner or later, and five years down the road, they'll be much much worse. Don't just vent to us, vent to *him*.

So them's my thoughts, for what they're worth smile


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K