Paul gave a good summary of regional differences and big city vs. smaller city. We travel a lot and shop in totally unfamiliar supermarkets. I really appreciate a "Did you find what you were looking for?" from a cashier. If we say "no, but where is the Sopaipillia* mix?" and he tells us, Hubby will go back and get it a do a separate check out after me so we don't hold anybody up. A friendly hello and smile is always welcome, espcially if you've driven 10 hours to a new town. Much more interaction that that isn't really called for unless it's something like asking directions to someplace that's supposed to be close by, but you can't see it. (Big shopping centers, for instance)
We live in a small town, so there is a good chance that we are behind someone being checked out by a family member. We appreciate it when they don't visit forever and that is usually the case.
*Sopaipillas are a southwest puff pastry in New Mexico and Texas. You deep fry them and fill them with honey, or whipped cream or jam for a dessert.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis