I've never heard of an International Peace Prize, not even on the show. Whereas, the Nobel Peace Prize is a very well-known prize given world-wide, and to get one a person has to have done something REALLY amazing.
Oh, I certainly know about the Nobel Prize. In fact (bragging a little here), I personally know a couple of Nobel Prize-winning physicists.

No, I meant the International Peace Prize, the award that Superman came flying home with at the beginning of SLV. It was obviously intended as the L&C universe's equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize, but they changed the name to International and had the awards ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden instead of Oslo, Norway.

Here's the passage from the script. As far as I remember, that information remained the same in the filmed episode.

LOIS: It's not everyday someone from Metropolis wins The International Peace Prize.

JIMMY: I can't believe Superman hasn't won it before now.

LOIS: I guess there was some question as to whether an extraterrestrial was actually eligible.

JIMMY: Well, alien or not, it's about time. Hey, how come you didn't go with Clark to Stockholm to cover the ceremony?

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5