Could someone post the most updated version of the titles? The FAQ show a list that doesn't match what I am seeing under the avatars.

This is what is shown in FAQ:

Posts Title
0 Blogger
50 Freelance Reporter
100 Beat Reporter
300 Columnist
500 Features Writer
750 Front-Page Journalist
1000 Merriwether
1500 Kerth
2500 Pulitzer
5000 Nobel Peace Prize Winner


EDIT: OK, from the Directory, I can find what are the titles available (but not the number of posts required). Here they are, with the values in front to my guesses of minimum posts:

Blogger - 0 (interesting: there are about 1326 out of a total of 2036 users lurking out there with 0 posts wink )
Freelance Reporter - 50
Hack from Nowheresville - 100
Beat Reporter - 300
Columnist - 500
Features Writer - 750
Top Banana - 1000
Merriwether - 1500
Kerth - 2000
Pulitzer - 2500 or 3000? (We have only one Pulitzer with 3750)
Nobel Peace Prize Winner - have no idea (nobody in this level)

and the restricted:
Section Editor
Editor in Chief