Hot diggity, the results are in. I still have papelodema (sp?), which is still the vision thing I can't spell, but my spinal tap is totally normal. To be more specific, I technically have pseudotumor cerebri, which is literally, a false tumor. Papelodema by itself is all the fun of tumor symptoms without the tumor. But if it hadn't been for a mere weekend of morning vision loss, I never would have noticed. So my prescription for Diamox (another sp?) should come in a couple of days, and that'll simply keep the pressure down in my head, which will restore most of my vision and knock those silly headaches out of the way. I'm so glad it's not something more serious, and thank you all! No matter how much I'm here or not here, it's nice to know you guys are here.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy