Wow. Getting a spinal tap is no fun. (I probably made myself more nervous than I needed to be, tho.) They had a bit of trouble with me until they moved down one vertebra. After that, everything went pretty smoothly.

I hope you find some answers, Jen, and that they're good ones.

I'm a little surprised, though, to see you say that you expect answers tomorrow. MRIs and spinal taps both usually take a few days to process. With an MRI, you can sometimes get a "cold read" if you ask for it (they get someone to take a quick glance while you're there to let you know if there's something really obvious going on), but it's with the understanding that it's not a binding opinion (he's taking a glance at the films, not making an actual diagnosis).

Anyway... good luck to you. Let us know how it goes!


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.