I watched it several times, having taped it. I missed the week before, was on vacation and agonizingly, my VCR mysteriously didn't work.

I liked Lex in the scene where he has AC tied up and he makes all those sarcastic remarks about having a thirst for knowledge etc etc. You could just see MR enjoying himself with all the sarcasm - it's apparent to me he was bored with "good Lex" and is enjoying the turn to the dark side.

I was kinda surprised that AC didn't ask Clark where he got his powers. He was accepting of his abilities without any conversation (at least on screen) about it. That was weird.

Lois and AC - well it was nice to see that Lois can be attracted to someone, but I was hoping that Clark would show some jealous and realize that maybe he was really attracted to her. Clark and Lois have way more chemistry than Lois and Ac, or Lana and Clark.

Also since apparently Lana gave Clark a stirring speech at his death bed (which I missed) I feel they should have showed a conversation between the two of them explaining how Clark's body disappeared and he was miraculously rejunvenated.

Who knows what's sitting on the editing room floor as they say? Time constraints sometimes mean that storylines get cut.

Next week's ep looks silly but the part with Chloe and Daily Planet and Princess Leia looks interesting.

Wonder who's going to die in the 100th episode? As much as I like Allison Mack, it almost certainly needs to be her since she's not part of his adult life.



"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"