Originally posted by lynnm:
Again, I could be so wrong, but I was under the impression that Brainiac was created on Krypton and downloaded with the entirety of Kryptonian knowledge, which would include the history of the planet Earth. So I'm not surprised he'd know a lot about the history of humans.
I don't know a whole lot about Brainiac so that might explain it. Thanks. smile

Originally posted by lynnm:
And I'm not surprised by Clark's actions toward Lex. This has been four years coming. I didn't see Clark as acting like he hated Lex. But clearly he no longer trusts him nor does he view him as a good person without question. I think Clark has lost any lingering ideas that Lex's motives are for the good and now questions everything the guy does. Which makes sense. If they'd continued the cycle of Clark and Lex are friends/Lex does bad, Clark gets mad/Clark and Lex make up, well, that's already gotten almost as old as Clark and Lana.
I agree it would have been old. But they could have continued the distrust for a little while longer before it became outright hostility. I think at this point, they are enemies, and they both know it.

Originally posted by lynnm:
Really, this might be my favorite episode so far this season. Only thing missing was some good Chloe time. And this actually speaks to why I was okay with Lois and AC. The only other girl they could have had AC save up front and then develop an attraction to would have been Chloe. But Chloe's already been down that road several times. I would have hated to see her dumped in the end when AC took off. Although, perhaps selling a jealous Clark might have worked better had it been Chloe in AC's clutches *g*.
If it had been Chloe, we wouldn't have gotten to see Lois in a bikini. wink Then again, I'll bet Chloe would look pretty good in one, too. laugh Sorry about the lack of naked TW this ep, Lynn.

P.S. The preview looks iffy, but it had James Marsters making this line: "There are no such thing as vampires." rotflol

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin