I'm not sure yet whether I liked this episode. The first 30 seconds made me want to wolf my cookies <g> as Lana and Clark were being cute, but fortunately after that, Lana was barely in it.

Whether I like this one depends on where they're going. The fact that Lois was falling for Aquaman was a big negative and wayyyyy out of canon (I should be used to it by now <g>), but Clark's apparent encounter with the green-gilled monster might just be able to save it. Are the writers going to take this further? Is Clark really jealous or is he worried about another super-powered person horning in on his territory (Smallville, not Lois)? If it's the former, then yippee! If the latter, then boo-hiss.

I do like that Clark's apparently starting to see Lois in a different light, especially after she makes her comment about wanting to meet someone who wanted to save the world rather than owning it. <Just look behind you, Lois. He's right there.> Lois also sees Clark in a different light, but this brother thing has got to go.

Interesting comment Clark made about not being ready for the JLA. If there's already a Justice League of America, who's in it if Superman, Aquaman, and the Flash aren't members?

How is it that an oil slick alien who's only been in Smallville for such a short time knows enough to be a history professor? Granted he's supposed to be Brainiac, but he's one quick study. Clark helping to bring down LexCorp might be a bit premature. One day they're friends, the next Clark's disavowing Lex, then instant enemies. Others may disagree but it seemed awfully fast for Clark to go from suspicion to outright hostility.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin