OMG Lynn, you just made me laugh my head off. I especially love the line "naturally he'd have to have a love/crush/obsession thing for Lana, because who on Smallville doesn't"

I don't know if I'd like Dean to be on the show or not. No, because I wouldn't like to think he'd appear in a show that has totally trashed the Superman legend, yes, because I love Dean. Even though the movies he's in haven't been top dollars, I've enjoyed them. But I'd bet they would have him fall for Lana.

I think Lynn has hit the nail on the head. What she said was funny, but very true when it comes to Smallville.

Don't forget they had an episode where Jor-El came to earth and fell in love with a woman who was Lana's double, After all, they couldn't have him just come and scope out the planet he was going to send his son too, no, he HAD to fall in love with Lana's double too.