There are things that you can do to minimmize your allergic reactions to Kalypso that you might want to try before giving up on her. For one thing, giving her a bath every week is supposed to help a lot. Also, depending on the layout of your home, you should consider keeping her out of your bedroom. Having an allergen-free place to sleep will make life *much* easier. You may also want to try the air purifier you mentioned. I found some websites you can look at with other information:

From a personal viewpoint, I'd also say to minimize letting your cat rub up against your face or neck. Try to keep contact away from your face, and wash your hands after you've been playing with her or petting her. The first week I had my cat, I thought I was allergic to her, and I'd never shown any symptoms of allergies to a cat before. It turned out, I realized, that I was simply letting her get in my face too much, and I was actually having trouble with the fur (rather than dander, which is what people are allergic to). However, since the dander is in the fur, it should be a good idea to keep her away from your face anyway.