- hmmm I didn't think it was getting political.

- I find the prices always seem to go up in the summer and bottom out in the winter! Also, when the long weekends hit, it goes up.

- I don't drive, my hubbie does. otherwise I walk, bus, board, etc.

- I'm glad we didn't get an SUV or a minivan. My family had a SUV during the 90s and man was it a gas hog. My family now shares a minivan (I'm not there anymore) and it cost five bucks for a 20-25 min. ride in the city! I borrowed it to move some junk and that was the amount I needed to replace, blah.

- We get about 10km per litre, city km's.

I love visiting the U.S but that is one of the main reason I could never live there.
Me too. Well... I also have an irrational fear (well not fear, but just a major worry :p ) of getting sued! I know I know...don't tell me smile

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.