Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KSaraSara Gas in America - 07/30/05 12:44 AM
I remember the days when gas cost just under $1.00/gallon, which must have been about 10 years ago around the time I started driving. My dad remembers $0.29/gallon when he first came to Arizona 30 years ago. Now, gas costs just about $2.50 a gallon. razz )?

I know the war has loads to do with gas prices... you think they'll ever go down again? frown

Sara (procrastinaing, can you tell? goofy )
Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 01:10 AM
I remember when gas for 0.99 was expensive! My parents wouldn't buy it if it was over 0.89. I used to take $10 and that would fill up my tank.

Now it costs over $20 to fill it up. frown Today, I got gas for my mom's car and it was 2.09, but when I went back out to get gas for my car, it was up to 2.29. I guess that's better than 2.50 . . . but it's still pretty riddiculous. frown

However . . . that hasn't cut down on my driving at all. Cleveland has riddiculously bad public transportation, and I find myself driving across town pretty often so I have to fill my tank about twice a week.
Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 05:35 AM
Well, here in Austria one gallon estimately costs 4.50 to 5 USD, that's a calculation without the current USD-Euro exchange rate in mind.

Thought you'd like to know for comparison laugh
Posted By: Helga Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 07:01 AM

You might regret starting this thread... wink

Over here, we are currently paying about $6.84 a gallon (according to my maths, which I don't think is that dodgy... See this site for more information than you ever would need about UK petrol prices: http://www.theaa.com/allaboutcars/fuel/ )

There's lots of reasons why ours is high, including it is heavily taxed, but the price always goes up over the summer months, because of increased demand from the US, amoungst other things....

It's all those SUVs you lot drive :p

I don't drive anymore. Partly because it's too expense to drive in London, but mostly because the public transport is good, so I don't need to.

Posted By: LabRat Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 07:33 AM
Yeah, we UKers tend to get a little amused when you guys complain about high petrol prices. goofy Our reaction usually goes more along the lines of, "Gosh, that's cheap!" <g>

As Helga says, a large percentage of our prices go straight to the government in tax. :p

LabRat (who thinks there should be a law that when producers raise their prices because of a specific problem or cause, they should be obliged to lower them again when said cause no longer applies. Only fair... )
Posted By: Elena Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 09:07 AM
Here in Italy gas costs $5.75/gallon. grumble

Posted By: Shadow Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 10:58 AM
I think gas is something like $2.20 a gallon here. My friends and I being the poor college students that we are <g> carpool a bit more often. Public transportation around here bites.

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 12:07 PM
It sucks here in my city too in Canada. Right now it's advertized at the pumps for 97.5/litre, but one can get it for 94.5 at the pumps with coupons or something. Gee it usually wavers in the 60s and 70s. Usually it jumps into the low 80s when a long weekend happens. This is nuts.

I think it was last year when the stations decided to put up a fourth spot for a digit in their signs. Luckily, it has not hit 100.0 for them to use that new spot.


I remember when it was only in the 50s/litre. It hit that low either two or three winters ago and it wasn't that low since the late 80/early 90s. That was great.

My husband and I just moved within a 5 min walking distance from work so we only use the car once in a while now. So far this month we have used about 30 bucks worth in the car. Before we where spending about 150-190 on gas and 80 on a parking spot downtown.

We used to have a Hyundai Accent and it cost about 18 bucks to fill around 1999-2001. Now that we have a new car the tank is bigger and it would cost up about 30 bucks. Now if we go near the full point we are almost hitting 50 and beyond. ack.

How is everyone's gas taxed where you are?
Posted By: kb Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 06:49 PM
If my math isn’t completely off, I paid $ 6, 59/gallon last time, and 64% of that price is government tax grumble
Posted By: kmar Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 07:28 PM
I live at the beach in Maryland so they jack up our prices always because they say it cost more to bring it here. It is around $2.20 a gallon. I the early 1970's I had a car that had a 26 gallon tank and I could fill up for around $10 and I only did that once a month. Lived in the city on a direct bus line.

At the beach they would like you to take the bus but I drive because I'm almost a mile from the bus stop (have bad knee) also if you go to the store and buy any cold items they are hot or melted by the time you get home. Also you can have several buses pass you because they are full. However I don't jump in the car and run to the store for any little thing anymore. I try to make sure that I run all my errands at one time.

One of the reasons gas in the states varies so much is the local and state taxes. As I said I live at the beach in Maryland but am 2 blocks from the Delaware state line. I remember a phone in question to the local radio station about the differences in gas prices between Maryland and Delaware at least here on the "lower shore". They said that it had to do with each states taxes on gas so I would assume they vary state to state just as they do on cigerattes and liquor.
Posted By: ethnica Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 09:25 PM
In the U.S. we don't pay the high prices charged in other countries for a lot of things because we don't have the same type of health and human services systems.

If anyone in the lower 48 was paying $2.00 a gallon before 2001 it would have been considered highway robbery. Now if anyone could find a station that charged $2.00 a gallon the station would be out of gas within two hours after opening. It'd be a NewsBreak on Channel 4!

Econ 101: raise the price by a lot then lower it a trifle and let people's bad memories fool them into thinking they're getting a good deal. It didn't cost $20 to fill up my car with 92 octane in 2000; on Thursday it cost me $34 to fill it up with 89 octane (92 is no longer an issue).
Posted By: jackiek Re: Gas in America - 07/30/05 11:03 PM
Like Roo said here it is currently 97.5cents per litre (1 litre = 0.26 of a US gallon and 0.22UK). So it'd be a little under $5,00 a gallon here (if I'm counting that correctly).

In the U.S. we don't pay the high prices charged in other countries for a lot of things because we don't have the same type of health and human services systems.
I will pay high gas prices anyday to keep getting free health care. I love visiting the U.S but that is one of the main reason I could never live there.

Posted By: RL Re: Gas in America - 07/31/05 06:44 AM
Up here in Oregon, it's about $2.31 at the cheapest station nearest me, averaging closer to $2.35/gallon statewide.

The main reason for the increase in gas prices, according to the financial media, is the red-hot growing economies of India and China, both running at roughly 10% annual growth. Both are growing so fast that oil demand over the last few years have skyrocketed from those two countries and have put pressure on oil prices while oil demand in the G8 countries has grown only slowly. Increases in US demand are actually running slower than normal, historically.

While many would think that the Iraq war is the main contributor, it actually isn't. Iraqi oil is pumping along as usual with relatively few interruptions lately from the terrorists, who have been concentrating on killing civilians instead. And since Iraq is exempt from OPEC quotas, they are free to pump as much as they want to.

But even China and India cannot account for the latest increases in oil prices. That is primarily due to investor speculation. These are people who are investing solely in the belief that prices are going up and who will never take delivery of a single barrel of oil. Every slight perceived disruption in supply, such as hurricane threats to Louisiana, refinery fires, Nigerian strikes, threats from Hugo Chavez of Venezuela (an OPEC member), or Russian takeovers of Yukos (the largest Russian oil company) contributes to huge influxes of speculators.

The speculation is such that it baffles even economists who have followed the oil market for years. The supply/demand factors only justify oil prices at perhaps $40-45/barrel, not the $60/barrel it is currently priced at in the futures markets. The rest is due to speculation. The Saudis are pumping oil like mad to try to reduce the prices, but are unable to do so as oil sits in storage with few buyers. Note that this production affects spot market prices only. The prices quoted in the press are usually for futures contracts for Texas light sweet crude or UK's North Sea Brent crude, several months down the road. The futures prices are running much higher than current spot prices.

Gasoline prices, while largely tied to oil, also are due to other factors, primarily environmental regulation. Regulations are so onerous in the US that no refinery had been built in the US for thirty years while at the same time, demand has skyrocketed. Refineries pump at full capacity and still cannot meet demand, so any additional requirements are farmed out overseas. Many economists attribute high prices to refinery bottlenecks, rather than actual oil supply. The problem can only get worse as no new refineries are in the pipeline.

US supply of oil has also dropped over the last thirty years. While old oil wells dry up, no additional ones are started. Even a battle over a miniscule 2,000 acre portion of Alaska containing the largest oil discovery in the United States is fought over tooth and nail to prevent us from reducing our dependency on foreign oil. And even conservative state governors have a "not-in-my-backyard" philosophy on oil drilling.

Further environmental regulations require thirteen "boutique" gasolines to be refined for various regions of the country. This has the result that no gasoline refined for a particular region can be legally transported to another region if a shortage develops. It also makes it difficult for refineries to convert to a different blend if a different distribution of gasoline is required, adding to shortages and higher prices. Reducing the boutique blends to one would likely dramatically reduce the price of gas, while making it far easier for refineries to produce gasoline.

Also during the summer months, the federal government requires additives to be put in gasoline to reduce emissions during the peak driving seasons. As it turns out, the additives don't work. While they do reduce emissions for a gallon of gas, the drawbacks are that they introduce water vapor into car engines and weaken the amount of energy produced. So to go the same distance, additional gas has to be burned negating the intended effects of reducing emissions. The result is higher gasoline consumption and higher prices with no net reduction in pollution.

Finally, driving demand has proven to be very inelastic. Higher prices have not significantly reduced demand for gas. Much of our driving is to/from work or to/from stores and such and cannot easily be reduced. Mass transit helps somewhat, but most people aren't willing to give up their cars. So as prices rise, sellers are given no incentives to reduce those prices as demand doesn't decrease.
Posted By: YConnell Re: Gas in America - 07/31/05 07:34 AM
So what's the answer? The fact is that oil is a finite resource, so whether or not you agree with the various environmental measures being taken, sooner or later, it's going to run out.

So do we carry on regardless, guzzling the available resource until it runs out, assuming while we do so that science will produce another source of energy just in the nick of time? Or do we try and make what we've got last as long as possible - which you could say is just postponing the inevitable in any case?

The thing is, taking steps to use less oil is generally not just better for the available supplies and the environment, it's also better for our health. If we all walked more and cooked from scratch more than bought pre-packaged foods, we'd get more exercise, we'd eat more healthily, and we'd use less oil. For example, alongside all those single-occupancy cars travelling to and from the shops, think of all those plastic containers, plastic bags, and plastic bottles we throw out every day.

However, it's a complex issue. Our entire social structure, our transport systems, our lifestyle - even the way our towns and cities are designed - would have to change to make a significant dent in consumption. I don't think that's going to happen in my lifetime. wink

Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: Gas in America - 07/31/05 08:34 AM
Taxes on gas should be slightly over 40 per cent in Austria - but compared to some other European countries, it's actually bearable.

Oh, one more or less political cause for the high prices are the crude oil sources within western territory. The thing for the USA is, that since 1995 the imports are higher than their own production and this gap gets continuously bigger. In addition to that the rate of newly discovered oil recources compared to the total usage changes too. That means in clear words that the oil recources in the 'western world' will run low or empty centuries before the ones in arabian countries.

Also issues with more and more extrem weather situations are taking influence in gas prices. I've recently read a report on hurrican Emily and that's probably not the only local issue.
Posted By: RL Re: Gas in America - 08/01/05 04:17 AM
Originally posted by YConnell:
So what's the answer? The fact is that oil is a finite resource, so whether or not you agree with the various environmental measures being taken, sooner or later, it's going to run out.

So do we carry on regardless, guzzling the available resource until it runs out, assuming while we do so that science will produce another source of energy just in the nick of time? Or do we try and make what we've got last as long as possible - which you could say is just postponing the inevitable in any case?

The thing is, taking steps to use less oil is generally not just better for the available supplies and the environment, it's also better for our health. If we all walked more and cooked from scratch more than bought pre-packaged foods, we'd get more exercise, we'd eat more healthily, and we'd use less oil. For example, alongside all those single-occupancy cars travelling to and from the shops, think of all those plastic containers, plastic bags, and plastic bottles we throw out every day.

However, it's a complex issue. Our entire social structure, our transport systems, our lifestyle - even the way our towns and cities are designed - would have to change to make a significant dent in consumption. I don't think that's going to happen in my lifetime. wink

There are three schools of thought on this issue. On one side are the environmentalists who advocate only clean energy sources such as geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, hydrogen cells, and government-mandated fuel economy standards, believing that only conservation will solve our energy problems. On the other side are the advocates of unlimited oil exploration (drilling off-shore, ANWR, shale oil, etc), clean-burning coal, and nuclear power who poo-poo cleaner solutions as too expensive until we've exhausted all efforts to obtain new sources of oil. A third way combines both approaches. We continue to locate additional sources of fuels while at the same time fostering new, cleaner sources of energy while at the same time modernizing electrical grids to prevent the sort of blackouts California experienced just a short while ago, converting oil-consuming power plants to natural gas, and others.

Unfortunately in Washington, D.C. politics on both sides have prevented any sort of energy policy at all for decades, so advocates of both the first and second approaches are preventing compromise on the third approach, so nothing at all gets done. I can't speak for other countries since I haven't lived there. Over the last 30 years, the US went from a 30% dependency on foreign oil to the current near-60% dependency. This short-sightedness is only now starting to make itself apparent with ever-increasing costs of energy, likely to the detriment of long-term economic growth. There is no magical solution that can give us $1/gallon gasoline overnight, nor is there an answer that can solve all of our problems. Anything proposed and enacted today will still take years before benefits are seen, so high gas prices are probably here to stay.

Each side insisting on their own solution simply leads to gridlock and inaction. The left cannot get over their fears of global warming, still unproven as half the world's environmental scientists believe it exists while the other half don't, though universally believed to be absolutely true in the press. (As an aside, a single volcanic eruption like Mt. Pinatubo a few years back put more pollutants into the atmosphere than every car ever made in history and altered the weather patterns of the entire west coast of the US) The right believes proposals like Kyoto are designed merely to destroy America's economic power, while excluding the real polluters like China and India.

I don't know where the right balance exists. Admittedly, I lean heavily towards the right and believe that we should definitely try to satisfy current growing energy demands, while at the same time advocating policies that eventually lead toward alternative fuel. I, for one, would love to get one of those new hybrid SUV's. I suspect that any proposals I make will be supported heavily by conservatives and decried by liberals, so I'm not sure if I should bother.

But hey, what the heck. wink

For problems in our own back yard, I would advocate a number of proposals to satisfy current demand for oil. I'd open up ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Reserve for those non-Americans) immediately. I find it ludicrous that a handful of porcupine caribou are what stands between us and 18-50 billion barrels of oil, especially when nearby Prudhoe Bay has proven that the caribou thrive near pipelines and love the warmth they provide. And the development kills off the insect parasites that end up reducing the herd population. Contrary to the pictures shown on the evening news of a pristine white wilderness (within ANWR, which is bigger than many states, but nowhere near the proposed drilling site), the actual 2,000 acres in dispute are in a swamp, full of those caribou-killing insects.

I would immediately remove the regulations that I deem unnecessary and ineffective that prevent refineries from being built or supplies from being distributed to where they are needed. I would reduced taxes or give tax incentives for the development of hard-to-get oil sources such as shale. I would permit off-shore drilling far enough away as to be invisible from shore. I would give incentives for switching electrical plants from oil to natural gas. I would accelerate the building of refineries and modern, safe nuclear power plants. This country would go a long way once the last oil-burning plant is converted into using something else.

Much of the northeast of the US heat homes using heating oil. I would support programs whether through subsidy or direct payments to convert those homes to natural gas heating or electrical heating. Refineries usually have to scale back production of gasoline in preparation for the winter months and increase production of heating oil. If no one used heating oil anymore, refineries could continue to produce large quantities of gasoline, therefore reducing the price at the pump.

On the conservation side, I would give incentives for people to buy more fuel-efficient means of transportation. I don't believe in mandating fuel economy as the tradeoff is lighter vehicles and higher percentages of traffic fatalities. I would exempt from energy taxes any consumers that switch their accounts to cleaner fuel sources. My local electricity provider, Portland Gas and Electric, has a program that allows you to opt into electricity produced solely from clean sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric at the cost of a higher electric bill since that energy is far more expensive to produce.

On the alternative fuels, I would encourage research into those fields. I don't normally approve of government subsidies into these areas since it usually involves government micromanagement, but if the latter could be avoided, I'd be all for research and development grants into alternative sources like hydrogen fuel cells, clean-burning coal, or even the panacea of cold fusion.

As you can see, there are a lot of things that can be done. Practically none of those are being done because of petty partisan bickering. Only now is an energy bill on the verge of passage and enactment. Many of the items I mentioned above are included in that bill. It merely took taking ANWR off the table to enable passage after five years of filibusters in the Senate. We'll see whether those proposals will have significant effects in the future. Unfortunately, very little in the bill will do anything for current prices. There's not much that can be done short of eliminating state or federal taxes on gasoline (federal tax in US is 18.4 cents/gallon while state taxes vary). Releasing oil from the National Strategic Petroleum Reserve would do nothing as the amount available is dwarfed by total worldwide fuel consumption. As seen, increased production has little effect on futures prices, as the Saudis have learned. Price regulation is probably the worst of all solutions. It was tried in the late 70's, leading to gas lines, fueling on alternate days depending on whether your license plate was even or odd, and the advice to put on a sweater as national "malaise" set in.
Posted By: lynnm Re: Gas in America - 08/01/05 05:03 PM
We just got back from a long car journey, and it cost us over $40 each time we had to fill up the tank of the minivan.

Even so, I can't ever complain about the cost of gas for two reasons:

1 - Americans still pay the lowest amount per gallon than everyone else.

2 - Americans continue to insist on driving gigantic gas-guzzling SUVs that get 10 miles to the gallon. While I can get behind the idea of SUVs for people who need them to haul stuff (in the country, in the mountains where 4 wheel drive is needed, in the frozen tundra), I have a hard time accepting those who commute to downtown Chicago one passenger per SUV, not as part of a multiple-passenger carpool mind you, where they take up twice the amount of parking space while using up all that lovely gas.

Posted By: Wendymr Re: Gas in America - 08/01/05 09:07 PM
Just a couple of quick addendums here...

First, Roger's very interesting and thorough summary of the reasons for the increase in the price of petrol/gas and crude oil didn't include one very significant cause: the recent lower value of the US dollar. Oil is priced internationally in dollars. When the dollar is worth less on the world currency market, the oil-producing countries get a lot less money in real terms for the oil they produce... so they increase the price.

And, no, prices will not go down to their former level at the pump when this ends... they never do. :p

Second, although Lynn's quite right that the US pays by far the lowest price per gallon, the international comparisons posted should be treated with a little bit of caution unless you know exactly which gallon measurement people are using. An Imperial gallon contains exactly a quarter as much again as an American gallon. (A North American pint contains 16 fluid ounces, while an Imperial pint - the measurement used in just about every other non-metric country - contains 20 fluid ounces. There are still 8 pints to the gallon, but when the pint is smaller the gallon will also be smaller wink ).

Wendy smile (who has now got used to paying less than half what she used to pay to fill up her tank! goofy )
Posted By: ethnica Re: Gas in America - 08/01/05 09:45 PM
Is it just me or is it starting to get political in here? I mean can we have a discussion about the high price of gas without getting into a fight about the merits/detriments of the Dick Cheney Energy Plan? I can get that from the Washington Post. laugh
Posted By: Meerkat Re: Gas in America - 08/01/05 11:51 PM
I don't think it's been getting overly political. People have discussed their opinions about what could be done to change things, and politics *does* tend to hamper progress to some degree.

I pay about $2.35 a gallon for gas here in my part of Maryland, which I think is close to the current average for the U.S.? At least, it was average last time I heard anything. However, while I can't afford a hybrid (wish they'd come up with a way to make them cheaper), I do have a fuel-efficient car. I get about 40 miles to the gallon, which is pretty decent for a car over here.

There was a commercial on TV a while ago for some SUV (don't remember which). In the commercial, the SUV was driving through this forest that was trying to attack him (think "ents," like in Lord of the Rings), and the SUV just barely escapes. I believe it was trying to show the SUV as something that keeps you safe from all the dangers outside, but my husband and I thought it was creation rebelling against its biggest despoilers. *grin* I agree that there's a place for SUVs... in the country, the mountains, places where 4-wheel drive is essential, etc. But there should not be the demand for them that there is.
Posted By: RL Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 02:01 AM
I, personally, have an SUV. There were two main reasons I got it. It is large enough to seat our entire family comfortably and is able to carry a couple of guests as well. We often have visitors from out of town since we have no family where we live, so it's nice to not have to take two cars. The second reason is safety. It's pretty well known that SUV's are among the safest vehicles on the road. When I look at my two kids sitting in their car seats buckled in comfortably behind me, I know that they're as safe as I can make them. Gas mileage just doesn't even factor into the equation where they're concerned.

I'm not saying that any parent that doesn't get an SUV is being a bad parent. Don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that IMO, that's a good way to keep them safer when we're on the road. Others will feel differently and I have no quarrel with that. I do think that safety is a major factor why soccer moms love SUV's as a vehicle of choice. Practically every mom I know drives an SUV, even the greenest one who makes a living selling organic merchandise.

As for Wendy's assertion that a weakened US dollar played a role in the rise in oil prices, she's absolutely right that it was a factor. It got bad enough that several countries were discussing re-pricing oil under multiple currencies or moving to the Euro. Some countries with currencies pegged to the dollar were thinking of switching to another currency or currencies.

But all things go in waves. The rejection of the EU Constitution and the acknowledgement that the US economy was still the strongest of the major industrialized countries with dropping budget deficits and a stabilizing current accounts deficit is leading to a reversal of fortune. Now people are talking about leaving the Euro and the possibility it may not survive as a currency. So the dollar has strengthened appreciably, just in time for my mother-in-law to visit from Sweden, of course. goofy

I'm unsure how much the strength of the dollar plays into the price now. The price is close to a record high in absolute terms (not adjusted for inflation) but the dollar is much stronger than before. But it did play a role in bursting the $40 and $50 price barriers.
Posted By: rivka Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 02:13 AM
Actually, SUVs are more likely to tip, many are top-heavy, several models have had fire issues with their gas tanks . . . Claiming that SUVs in general are safer is simply not true. In fact, in certain types of collisions, an SUV is the last vehicle you want to be in.

Now, certain specific models may be safer, generally speaking. However, even they are far more likely to do fatal damage to whatever vehicle they collide with. And while I will do a lot to protect my kids, putting other innocent people's lives at risk is not on that list.

There are some great reasons to drive an SUV. Needing 4-wheel drive (because of heavy cargo or bad roads), for instance. But if you're just trying to squeeze in people, I submit that you'd be just as well off with a minivan. (Of course, they're gas-guzzlers too, although not as bad as most SUVs.)
Posted By: RL Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 02:15 AM
Our other car is a minivan which actually seats one fewer. wink
Posted By: rivka Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 02:17 AM
But are there minivans which seat as many as your SUV?
Posted By: RL Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 02:46 AM
Originally posted by rivka:
But [b]are there minivans which seat as many as your SUV? [/b]
Sure. Substitute a bench for the captain's chairs and it'd fit the same number.

The SUV is actually safer than our minivan because of many of the advanced safety devices it has, including side airbags, variable laser cruise control, rear warning sensors and camera, etc.
Posted By: rivka Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 03:12 AM
Most if not all of those are available in minivans. And except for the airbags, I'm not convinced they actually make much difference safety-wise. *shrug*
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 07:05 AM
Well, I'm short enough that I have to sit pretty near the steering wheel to drive, and I'm halfway convinced that if the airbag ever did go off, it'd be enough to kill me. But whatcha gonna do? goofy and when it's 90 degrees out and sunny, that's an important consideration! Still, last year we had a burst of prosperity and bought a sedan -- I'd just started driving the kids to and from school each day, and we wanted something a lot more efficient. (This school year, the kids are taking the bus and it's a lot cheaper!) The high price of gas is at least a little bit of disincentive to drive the SUV, but as I said, up until recently we didn't have an alternative.

The price around here is about $2.25 ($2.21 is the cheapest I've seen lately).

As for energy policy -- well, I tend to be conservative, but I haven't paid too much attention to the alternatives, so this thread has been interesting. I do wish someone would do *something* though, 'cause these multi-state electricity black-outs just can't be good for us. The power goes out around here anytime it rains, anyway goofy

Posted By: LabRat Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 09:58 AM
I've been finding this conversation fascinating too.

It's at moments like these, I pause to remember what life used to be like without the net, when we never got to hear how others live like this. Or, at least, not so easily. I never cease to be amazed (and grateful) at what a world of information and shared experiences it opens up and how much it enables me to learn about and understand other cultures.

And in such a fun way too.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Karen Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 12:24 PM
I think this discussion is fascinating, too, though my eyes tend to glaze over during the long parts, making me reread it a few times. laugh

Price here is between $2.13 and $2.19 a gallon, depending on which corner you go to. The 2.13 is right on the NC/SC state line, but I haven't driven to the other side of the road my work is on to find out how much it is there.

SUVs scare me. Like Pam, I'm short enough that I have to be really close to steering wheel. I'm also afraid to drive anything where the seat is higher than my hips when I'm standing on the ground, because I don't trust my depth perception. The height difference completely throws me off. My next car, however, *will* be a hybrid sedan. By the time I need a new car, they'll be a bit more reasonably priced. Right now, they're only slightly higher than a normal gas engine. laugh
Posted By: lynnm Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 01:51 PM
We have a minivan, and I won't claim that it doesn't guzzle more gas than I'd like. I really have no data to compare minivan gas efficiency with SUV's, so I won't argue that point at all.

And the reason we drive a minivan (our other car is a sedan) is because we have to haul around several children on a fairly regular basis. I figure as long as I have kids and must drive carpools, I'll need that passenger capacity. And I confess that I like being higher up on the road - I prefer that extra bit of visibility. Plus there's that cargo-hauling capacity, which we've used on many many occasions.

As for safety of SUVs, here's my problem with the argument. It seems like a very true statement to say that in a collision of a car and an SUV, the SUV passengers are more likely to walk away unharmed or the least harmed. I wouldn't say that is the same case in a collision involving two SUVs because I would guess that the matched size would outstrip any extra cushioning offered by either. So if everyone drove SUVs, everyone would be equally safe. Thus it begs to argue that if everyone drove sedans, we'd all be back on the same playing field, at least as far as car on car collisions are concerned. It's the actual proliferation of large SUVs and minivans that facilitate the feeling of needing an SUV to be safer.

Granted, this doesn't account for general accidents in which another car isn't involved. Again, I have no hard data to rely on, but like Rivka, I'm not thoroughly convinced that SUVs are always safer.

I do believe there are good reasons to drive an SUV, and I even understand that passenger reason. If you have to tote kids around, an SUV is a good option for capacity.

My problem comes from people like my next door neighbor, who owns a minivan, which his wife drives the kids around in, plus he owns an SUV that gets something like 13 miles to the gallon which he drives into the city, all by himself. Now, I'm sure he'd make the excuse of needing to drive clients here and there, but not so long ago, salesmen were able to drive clients here and there in their more gas-friendly sedans. Why the need for this SUV? Or at least, why the need for both? Anyone living and commuting into and out of big cities can probably attest to the number of SUVs being used as commuter cars. What is that all about? It doesn't make sense to me. I don't think many commuters are taking their kids to the office with them and thus worried about safety.

Sorry if I'm sounding political. I guess this topic is kind of a sensitive one for me because I can't divorce the entire US-reliant-on-foreign-oil situation with things happening in the Middle East, and it seems that as long as we Americans aren't willing to change our attitudes in a big way - an attitude that seems to say that we Americans are entitled to drive large gas-guzzling vehicles and still expect our gas prices to remain as low as they used to be twenty years ago - things are never going to get any better. frown


PS - In case you think I'm picking on people here, my father just purchased an SUV, and I'm not very happy with him. He certainly has no children to haul around, nor does he live in the country or in a place with extreme winter weather. In fact, he doesn't generally haul very much, either, so I have no idea why he feels the need for an SUV. In response to his choice, my mother plans to trade her car in for a hybrid, hoping to offset things. wink
Posted By: A.nita Jetter Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 02:00 PM
I can remember when my dad complained when gas was 17 cents a gallon. smile Right now here in Ohio it's $2.14 cents a gallon. It jumps up on the week ends to $2.32 or so and then slowly goes back down.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 02:28 PM
Yeah, we were re-watching Die Hard the other day, and there's a shot of the skyscraper from a distance; in the foreground is a sign advertising gas for 79 cents a gallon or so goofy It's moments like that that really pull me out of a movie...

Oh, and one of the things I really did like about driving the SUV is the increased height -- when I switched to my sedan I was suddenly sitting about a foot closer to the road and felt like I couldn't see *anything* <g> Going through drive-thru's was quite a change, too...

Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 03:45 PM
Hm, I actually cannot understand why you're talking so much about SUV's - most of them are harmless. I think back to my holiday in Spain and the rented Corvette Cabrio which cost me probably 17 € per 100 km (~62 miles); that was a special way of driving I've never had the pleasure of enjoying before but the price simply isn't worth it in the long run.

I can only imagine that this type of classic vehicles with a similar consumption are still around in the US.

Anyways, I'm currently driving a fine Lexus RX 300 which demands about 12 liter / 100 km or one gallone per 20 miles and I'm also quite satisfied with its capability as a family vehicle. (IMO are these consumption values on the upper limit, more only seems possible in the US :rolleyes: )
Posted By: YConnell Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 05:19 PM
The problem is that cars just aren't adaptable enough. I reckon that for about 90% of the time, I could get by with a much smaller car - there's only me in the car and I don't carry any cargo. But for 10% of the time, I need two or three more seats for passengers and a large boot to take my shopping, DIY stuff, gardening stuff, or luggage. What I need is a car that can shrink and expand as required.

Car designers and manufacturers, I challenge you! <g>

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Gas in America - 08/02/05 09:12 PM
- hmmm I didn't think it was getting political.

- I find the prices always seem to go up in the summer and bottom out in the winter! Also, when the long weekends hit, it goes up.

- I don't drive, my hubbie does. otherwise I walk, bus, board, etc.

- I'm glad we didn't get an SUV or a minivan. My family had a SUV during the 90s and man was it a gas hog. My family now shares a minivan (I'm not there anymore) and it cost five bucks for a 20-25 min. ride in the city! I borrowed it to move some junk and that was the amount I needed to replace, blah.

- We get about 10km per litre, city km's.

I love visiting the U.S but that is one of the main reason I could never live there.
Me too. Well... I also have an irrational fear (well not fear, but just a major worry :p ) of getting sued! I know I know...don't tell me smile
Posted By: rivka Re: Gas in America - 08/03/05 11:44 AM
Originally posted by YConnell:
The problem is that cars just aren't adaptable enough. I reckon that for about 90% of the time, I could get by with a much smaller car - there's only me in the car and I don't carry any cargo. But for 10% of the time, I need two or three more seats for passengers and a large boot to take my shopping, DIY stuff, gardening stuff, or luggage. What I need is a car that can shrink and expand as required.

Car designers and manufacturers, I challenge you! <g>
Exactly! There have been prototypes along those lines. Trouble is, they all have an unfortunate tendency to go into "compress" mode in a collision -- regardless of whether there are people occupying the space or not. [Linked Image]
Posted By: lynnm Re: Gas in America - 08/03/05 12:00 PM
What you could get, Yvonne, is a little trailer. Something you could attach on the back of your compact sedan that could be used to haul your stuff. I suppose your passengers might object to being shoved inside a windowless, airless box, but they'll adapt, especially if you remind them how good to the environment they are being. wink wink

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Gas in America - 08/12/05 07:05 PM
ack - my husband just yelled to me that the prices jumped up today to 1.05/L. ACK. I've never heard it that high here before. Yesterday it was less.

I actually lucked out for once and filled up the gas tank yesterday when it was 97.5! I got it at for 94 cents b/c of a coupon. smile1

Well at least we hardly drive now. *sigh*
Posted By: RL Re: Gas in America - 08/12/05 07:16 PM
Oil speculation in the futures markets has gone out of control. Even information that would normally be bearish for oil is causing oil to rise. It's strange that pricing for such an important commodity is completely out of control of the suppliers of that commodity.

Some are predicting that an oil bubble is forming since we left supply/demand behind a long time ago, but who knows how long it'll take to pop it, if ever? Most economists feel that the last $10/barrel increase was purely due to speculators who will never take delivery of a single barrel of oil. From what I read, oil is probably overpriced by around $20/barrel.

Oil today hit another high near $67/barrel for US light sweet crude based on the fear of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and of Iran's restarting of their nuclear reactor. Since there is a several weeks lag between oil futures prices and gasoline at the pump, gas will get a lot more expensive than it is now.
Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: Gas in America - 08/15/05 09:23 AM
Wow, I stumbled over some us-american gas-comparison website and that one really surprised me. Did you know that there's a gap from 2.12 to 3.29 usd per gallon?

That page can actually be quite useful if you're in search for a cheap source too. You might want to take a look: http://www.gaspricewatch.com/new/
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Gas in America - 08/15/05 01:53 PM
That is a really cool page, Bettina -- thanks for pointing it out!

Looks like my area is right around average for the country.

Posted By: Shadow Re: Gas in America - 08/15/05 02:33 PM
Well, we hit average after gas jumped up 10 cents more per gallon yesterday. <g> Crazy I say...

Posted By: Karen Re: Gas in America - 08/15/05 06:38 PM
So that's what happened. I gassed up in South Carolina on Friday for 2.24/gal. Drove up to West Virginia, still had half a tank, so didn't worry about it. Came home today, and everywhere in Virginia was about $2.49 a gallon. The cheapest place was $2.38. When I got back home, it was $2.49 here, too. *sigh* That's actually about 15 cents more than Friday in North Carolina. Maybe I will drive the extra half hour to gas up cheaper...
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Gas in America - 08/15/05 08:28 PM
I gassed up on Tuesday, at $2.35. By Wednesday, the same station had it $2.45. Thursday, it was $2.55. I can't remember ever seeing prices change that *fast* dizzy

Posted By: snipsa Re: Gas in America - 08/16/05 03:37 AM
Well here in South Africa we currently pay Approximately R5.56 per liter which if my sums are correct equals to 0.86$ per liter.

If my conversion of Liter to gallon is correct we pay $3.3 per gallon.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Gas in America - 08/18/05 08:32 AM
And maybe we should all just count our blessings -- this site\'s got pictures of massive gas lines in China. frown

Posted By: snipsa Re: Gas in America - 08/18/05 09:13 AM
Wow, that is terrible, I'll never complain about it again! eek
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