See, thing is, isn't Douglas Adams dead?

How did he come to write the screenplay for the film? (Actually, I think I can understand this one. When I've caught odd snippets on TV, the lines have sounded very familiar.) How did he produce it? Has it really been in the making for the last four years? (He died in May 2001.)
The film project was one of those long...long...long...term projects which Adams and others had been trying to get off the ground for years. Long beyond the four years between his death and now, I think. He'd written more than one script, I believe and this was the last draft he completed a year before he died. I think I'm right in saying as a project it had been on the go since the '80's, on and off. But, sadly, it hasn't been till now that it finally got off the ground. It's not entirely the script Adams left though - it was reworked and rewritten by a staff writer for the movie.

I think what Emily means re Zaphod's heads is that they only gave him one. At least, I haven't been paying that much attention to this movie, but the other day I caught a short clip and knew something didn't look right - wasn't till I read this thread that I realised Zaphod only had one head. (If it was Zaphod I was looking at - there was some confusion in my mind <g>)

For me though, the greatest sacrilege is the portrayal of Marvin - at least, I think that round blob I saw on the clip was Marvin. <shudder> EDIT: Okay, I had to check that out, found the official movie website and OMG - Marvin, what have they done to you? Yowsa.

I adored the books, loved the TV adaptation, but my interest has waned over the years, hence my not much interest. It does have fond memories for me, too, though. When I met my husband for the first time at a club, we got talking about the radio version (don't ask me how! No idea how that one came up) and that was the very first connection we made. Stuart isn't a huge SF fan, but it was enough to keep us interested till the next stage. wink

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers