The Seattle Times TV columnist wrote the following from LA where she is viewing the new fall shows. The headline says: Desperate Networks ABC, UPN Crank Up Quality.

"ABC, downtroddnen stepchild of Disney and favorite bus stop for downwardly mobile moguls, has the makings of 2004-2005's most promising show: the wickedly funny drama, 'Desperate Housewives'.Set in Anywhere, USA, 'Desperate Housewives' may be the best skewering of suburban life since 'Soap'.And it's a very soaplike format, filled with the desperate yearnings and secrets of four women played by a terrific ensemble cast that includes Felicity Huffman and Teri Hatcher."

An accompanying picture was of Felicity Huffman.

At the end of the column was:

"CBS has one series that offers possibilities beyond its premise. 'Clubhouse' is another coming-of-age drama about a teen-ager who becomes a batboy for for the fictitious New York Empires. The life lessons learned en route are saved by a surprising emotional pungency; still it could prove formulaic."

Hmmm. Wickedly funny; emotional pungency. Sounds good to me.


smile Jude


"Simplify. Simplify."
Henry David Thoreau

"To see what is in front of one's nose is a constant struggle."
George Orwell