i'm going to try to keep this short; i shouldn't really be online now.

anyway, i've been a type I diabetic for just over half my life. i started out measuring everything really carefully, but i've gotten looser over the years. these days i don't watch what i eat so much as how much. i still eat all the same foods. i just make sure that the amount of food fits into my planned diet. after the first year or so, i was able to start reliably estimating the content of just about anything with just a glance.

in any case, you're looking for recipies. i'm not quite sure what to tell you. it depends on what you like. of course, i don't tend to use recipies so much when i'm cooking dinner (as opposed to baking or something). i just see what we have that's available, figure out what i'm in the mood for, and throw things together. it works pretty well for a variety of dishes... stir fry over rice with your favorite sauce, sauteed chicken cutlets with pasta and sauce, roasted chicken with stuffing, fish (lightly breaded and fried, baked, grilled, whatever) with rice or rolls, steak, hamburgers, etc. i just pick a base, then a style, then the sauce and/or flavorings, then the side dishes, and put it together.

my advice is to just keep making the same dishes you were making before. just keep an eye on the quantities of what you put in.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.