Labby, you don't want any advice from me. I cheat like crazy. I got so sick of eating just chip type snacks during breaks at work that I slowly began to sneak in a candy bar, or a donut. Now I cheat on a regular basis. I only really buckle down about a week or so before I have to go in for a physical so I can get things back under control for the exam wink .

I have a blood tester, but only test myself when I'm getting close to one of those exams again (Instead of daily like I'm supposed to). My one advantage is that I'm in a fairly physical job and so get plenty of exercise.

The main things are to watch the sugars (did you know that a regular can of soda has 8 tablespoons of sugar in it?). Also watch the carbs. Unfortuantely I love bread and eat a lot more of it than I should.

Oh well, who wants to live forever.

Tank (who also tells Labby to stay away from those sugary, waffy Lois and Clark fics, they'll put you in a coma faster than a double chocalate fudge sundae)