Labby, just saw the movie yesterday.

I was somewhat disappointed. I really liked the first movie but this one left me wanting in some respects.

I have to admit that I too got the impression of a high tech kung fu movie, but the visuals are pretty spectacular. The slow-mo stuff we've seen before, but it is fairly well done.

The A plot is simple, man against the machines, but one of the complaints on this movie is the continual philosophizing slows the movie down. For me one of the most irritating parts between the first movie and this one is the lack of any coherent explanation for Neo's evolution. I know he's supposed to be 'the one' which means he's really special but I don't see any foundation for all the 'wonders' he's able to manifest.

The relationship between Neo and Trinity only shown in fits and starts, but is pretty intense and does figure heavily in the denounment of this particular part.

I saw the movie at a daytime matinee price so I don't feel cheated. It was worth the time spent but not quite up to the level set by the first one.

Tank (who relates that one of the most common 'reviews' he got from friends was that it looked the the second part of a three part movie)