Hey hey hey! Look what I found!

I did some research online and came up with this. Darned if that little box wasn't there checked on my system.

Q. Why does my computer with Windows 200 or Windows XP keep restarting itself?

A. My thanks to David who contributed the following info in a post to our Forums... "Win XP and Win 2000 have a default setting to restart at just about any error. It makes things difficult to analyze when it blows through and restarts the computer. Settings / Control Panel / System / Advanced / Startup and Recovery / Settings. Make sure the box is UNCHECKED where it says "Automatically Restart" under System Failure."

Jen hyper

Edit: Oh, and FYI, I'm never doing anything in particular when it resets...usually just surfing the web.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy