Really, no fics involving Metallo came to mind, so I checked the database. And there aren't a lot of fics listed there with the keyword "Episode-Related: Metallo" either.

Katie Sizer has Calling Clark , a 30-minute episode extension challenge, where she talks about what happens if Lois gets hold of Clark instead of his answering machine.

Rhen Brink had the same topic - Lois lets the phone ring an extra time before hanging it up - in her If Only... .

Jana Officer also visits what happens *after* the episode in Starless Night . There seems to be a common theme here - everybody wants to write what happened afterwards. Nobody wants to write about Clark being kidnapped. Although Alisha Knight, in her fine fic The Game , does show what Lois is thinking when Clark gets captured.

I have watched "Superman: The Animated Series" and they used Metallo a lot more. Metallo was menacingly voiced by Malcolm McDowell, and he comes close to defeating Superman several times.

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One thing - didn't Clark, in effect, kill Johnny Corbin by melting his legs? Is there a moral dilemma here? Does Corbin lose his humanity because he became a cyborg?