Michael, while it could be plausible that there are really just loose time contractions (and if at the end of this you find yourself beating your head against the wall, maybe you should consider that as your most valid option wink ), there are other options. While speaking in strict timeline, it seems that the episodes contradict each other (i.e. Clark's glasses fooling Lois for 3 yrs), there really were four years that went on. Any mistakes in dialogue for parts like the one just mentioned could be attributed to the way we as humans keep track of time (which is to say, NOT by the calander year). Particularly when dealing with schools, we often keep track of time based on the fall semesters, which is why when we say we graduate in 2011 it really means the 2010-2011 school year. Just a thought, since it's 3.30 am right now a lot of this might not make much sense...

As for the debate about classes and graduating early... it is a definite possibility, though highly unlikely based on the general timeline. In California (where I'm from cool ), I was under the impression that AP courses began in at latest the early to mid eighties. However, AP courses aren't the only option for college advancement. On occassion, depending on the course and how applicable it is to your major, you can test out of subjects. Other times they can supplement an SAT/ACT score for general ed classes, and of course by earning AP credit. Prior to the AP program, however, there was(is) the IB courses(international baccalaureate- which was generally held as the best option up until AP came around only due to it's worldwide status) that helps not only with college entrance but also can get you waved from classes. Just some rambling thoughts from my head that I'm no longer sure is at all applicable to the topic at hand... huh

Too tired/lazy to sort out what any of that means in relation to your question, but yeah. All I know is that I should be finishing up my BFA in under two and a half. That's all the information I have on it.

More likely than not, you're going to have to just ignore all of the jumbled up words in here and just go with your gut, or dismiss it all as inconsistencies on the writer's parts (which, as much as we've been trained to believe and analyze works based on the assumption that everything was done intentionally by the writer, we writers know half of which is pretty much crap spun out of thin air laugh ). So sorry if this did absolutely no good. That's what you get for boredom and various sleep disorders...

*me tomorrow morning after staying up all night*: thud

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain