There is a mile high club. And you suddenly know what that means. smile

The Suit does come off.

Stay away from blond district attorneys. And DEA agents with a strange taste in art.

Fund modern art (holograms, etc.) - it might save your sorry a$$ sometime. (Especially when your competitor makes a point of educating your love interest in it.)

You really don't want to know what it's like on New Krypton. Honestly.

Superman is married to Ultrawoman.

You want to found a Hate Lana Lang Club.

Jimmy is always Jimmy - no matter the new look after S1.

Don't worry too much about finding the one and only right wedding gown - you might not need it, after all.

You learn a few new curses. (Great shades of Elvis! What in the Sam Hill...)

You could teach Miranda a lesson on affecting Superman - try pasta instead. laugh

Stay away from things (and location) with a strange smell. (Metropolis Sewage Reclamation Facility, Eau de Sweat Socks, Space Rats, kryptonite gas, dumpsters behind certain bars, etc.)

John Doe is a darn nice guy, Lois Lane is galactically stupid and Bill Church is a law-abiding citizen. Oh, and don't forget, Mindy Church is positively harmless.

Beware people travelling through time with long-dead writers.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)