Okay, I just got a bug up my butt to start this thread. Here's the thing this is what all that has been learned from my watchings of LnC.

1) There is always an evil genius.
2) There will always be another headless corpse, but true love comes only once in a life-time.
3) If you share the same obtomatrist as someone, then you have the same glasses.
4) If your friends with someone named Jimmy, you will never have to worry about birth-control.
5) Needing to check your mail for your Cheese of the Month delivery is a viable excuse to run out in the middle of a conversation.
6) A pair of glasses is the best disguise...ever...bar none.
7) A plunger is the best weapon.
8) When staring down a snake you must cry but one tear.
9) If you wear tights, no one will look at your face.
10) Kansas is filled with lush green hills.
11) Flying half way around world, ordering Chiniese food, having them cook it, package it, and bringing it back takes about 90 seconds...yet ordering it from the place down the street not only takes 2 hours but will give you food posioning.
12) Towels never fall off....dan* it!
13) No one ever gets married on the first try.
14) An obviously fake goatee or bad wig is the second best disguise ever.
15) Everyone gets cloned...eventually
16) Everyone gets amnesia...eventually
17) Everyone goes to jail...eventually
18) There is another couple out there exactly like you and your significat other....except evil.

If you can think of any others feel free to add on. But this is all I could think of for now...

"Madness is like gravity...it just takes a little push." ~The Joker